Jag skrev för något år sedan om det märkliga att den "Islamiska Staten" under en period allmänt kallades ISIS, dvs hade samma namn som den egyptiska gudinna som terrornätverket knappast uppskattade, och som - givet att hon existerar! - knappast skulle uppskatta terrornätverket... Nu ser jag att organisationen "Fellowship of Isis" faktiskt gjorde ett uttalande om frågan.
Där kan man läsa följande.
"The Fellowship of Isis is a network of some 26,000 members worldwide. We are a multi-faith organisation dedicated to the feminine aspect in all religions, and have a priesthood whose manifesto is one of peace, tolerance and respect for all spiritual expression.
It is disturbing and confusing to our members and the general public who know of our organization when media use the acronym ISIS for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant militia. The alternative rendering of ISIL, ‘Iraq and the Levant’ would avoid any misunderstanding on this matter.
‘Isis’ is also misleading and potentially defamatory.
We respectfully request that your organization from this point forward refer to this group by its other accepted name, I.S.I.L., Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and require that your correspondents and guests do the same.
(This press release statement was released on June 19, 2014.) ".
Nu har väl problemet försvunnit, då nätverket numera oftast kallas IS. Och det är väl skönt, för alla inblandade parter....
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